Imagine spending hours every day searching for water

With clean water,
everything changes.

Since 2006, thanks to our local partners and over millions of supporters, we’ve brought clean and safe water to more than 13 million people around the world.

100% of your donation will always fund clean water.

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Diseases from dirty water kill more people every year than all forms of violence, including war.

43% of these deaths are children under five years old. Access to clean water and basic sanitation can save around 16,000 lives every week.

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In Africa alone, women spend40 billion hours a year walking for water.

Access to clean water gives communities more time to grow food, earn an income, and go to school — all of which fight poverty.

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Clean water helps keep kids in school, especially girls.

Less time collecting water means more time in class. Clean water and proper toilets at school means teenage girls don't have to stay home for a week out of every month.

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Women are responsible for 72% of the water collected in Sub-Saharan Africa.

When a community gets water, women and girls get their lives back. They start businesses, improve their homes, and take charge of their own futures.

785 million people in the world live without clean water.

That's nearly 1 in 10 people worldwide. Or, twice the population of the United States. The majority live in isolated rural areas and spend hours every day walking to collect water for their family. Not only does walking for water keep children out of school or take up time that parents could be using to earn money, but the water often carries diseases that can make everyone sick.

12 years of clean water

In 2009, this rural community in northern Uganda was home to a few hundred people who struggled to get through each day with limited access to water.

Today, after 12 years with a clean water project, it's a bustling center of commerce. It's home to donut makers and seamstresses. Farms with herds of livestock. And something we've never seen in a rural community: paved roads and power lines.

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People no longer fall sick like they used to. People would bathe with dirty water. They never used to wash their clothes frequently. However these days, I see people washing clothes. They also use it to cook food, and it's delicious.

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The water point came. Building and construction followed. Then electricity came. And now businesses continue to boom. In this community, I teach people to stick together. I also teach about sanitation, hygiene, and cleanliness at home. When you educate someone, they can support themselves.

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store owner

Before, life was not good. The water was not clean. Diseases were so prevalent. When I gave birth to my firstborn, she often fell sick. Now that we have the water point, there are a lot of changes. When you go to fetch water, you fill find clean water.

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People no longer fall sick like they used to. People would bathe with dirty water. They never used to wash their clothes frequently. However these days, I see people washing clothes. They also use it to cook food, and it's delicious.

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The water point came. Building and construction followed. Then electricity came. And now businesses continue to boom. In this community, I teach people to stick together. I also teach about sanitation, hygiene, and cleanliness at home. When you educate someone, they can support themselves.

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store owner

Before, life was not good. The water was not clean. Diseases were so prevalent. When I gave birth to my firstborn, she often fell sick. Now that we have the water point, there are a lot of changes. When you go to fetch water, you fill find clean water.

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People no longer fall sick like they used to. People would bathe with dirty water. They never used to wash their clothes frequently. However these days, I see people washing clothes. They also use it to cook food, and it's delicious.

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The water point came. Building and construction followed. Then electricity came. And now businesses continue to boom. In this community, I teach people to stick together. I also teach about sanitation, hygiene, and cleanliness at home. When you educate someone, they can support themselves.

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store owner

Before, life was not good. The water was not clean. Diseases were so prevalent. When I gave birth to my firstborn, she often fell sick. Now that we have the water point, there are a lot of changes. When you go to fetch water, you fill find clean water.

Help more families get clean water

These families have been completely transformed, but millions more are still waiting for their chance to thrive. This holiday season, you can help.

The gift of clean water changes a family's future. It takes about $240 to bring clean water to one family, but any amount you're able to give will impact generations to come.

100% funds water project

6,512 / 5,000

families served

Bring clean water to the next community

Inspired by the community? Sponsor a water project and give another community or school the same opportunity to flourish.